If something not kill you, it will make you stronger. Facing a problem is a must! Why? Because we are human! Every humans have problem, not only you my friend but even the most peaceful people also have something bother them.
Maybe there are some period of our live that we want to erase, or want to back and preventing our problem before it actually happen. But believes me, time machine definitely didn't exist! So if you already have problem and wondering by yourself if you can go back and do it in better way, you will stuck in another problem.
Yeah we humans are stuck with problem. We will never get away from it. It like a tattoo. Stick with our body, but unlike tattoo this thing can't be erased. So there is no way out from it except, FACE IT!
And misteriously, like a living thing, problem also developing! For example when you are a child your problem will be how to get a new toys, or why my friends don't want to play with me?
When you teenager the most common problem is... Why I'm still single? Is he like me? Why he keep flirting on me and give me hope when he have a girlfriend?! And other romance problem that can stir up their mind and forget about what really important for their life.. Like education maybe..
Teens don't really care about it. It isn't because they are stupid but sometimes it just because they are too focusing on the other thing *mostly romance* so they don't have time to think about anything else.
When you adult or maybe already married the next problem is.. How to get a big salary? How to get a luxury cars? Or even how to get the second wife?!
When you get old it doesn't means your problem is decreasing. Problem still hunting you. Old people problem mostly about how to cure aging sickness? It is really common if two old people meeting mostly they will share about medicine, doctors, good drugs to cure their illness.
To put the whole thing in nut shell, We can't get away from problems. It happens, then let it happen. What you need isn't runaway from it but raise your head and straighten your backbones also your shoulder, say it out loud: Problem just come I will never affraid to face you!
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